Key legal terms in a Master Services Agreement

A Master Services Agreement (MSA) is a vital contract that establishes the terms and conditions...

Ensure a smooth exit with robust contracts

It's crucial to have your contracts in order when you decide to sell your business. Potential...

7 ways legal AI is improving legal services

Kim Simmonds, CEO and Founder of Law 365 and Cloud Contracts 365, invested in AI and machine...

5 reasons why entrepreneurs (and sales people) don't like legal contracts

You may well think that legal contracts are a “necessary evil” in business. Yes, they serve a...

Are you frustrated by your lengthy contract lifecycle?

Does your contract lifecycle look like this? On average, getting a contract signed can take 3 to 4...

Why use AI for contract review?

Fact: Nobody enjoys reviewing contracts The process of reviewing contracts can be time-consuming,...

6 risks of recycling old contracts and templates

While it may be tempting to save time, effort and (of course) money by recycling old contracts or...

What carries more risk: A £20K or a £2m contract?

Did you know that your £20K and £2m deal can carry the same amount of legal risk? There’s a common,...

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